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Reglar features: People, Business, Labor, Immigration, Social Security, Real Estate, History, Personal Transformation, Arts and Entertainment, original art, drawings, paintings
and cartoons, short stories, poetry, kids features, travel and more.

Read current issues of La Voz online! There are currently 139 back issues online. Too many to list here. You can order paper copies of back issues before 2021.
To order back issues, please send $2 for each issue to
PO Box 3688, Santa Rosa, CA 95402.

Back issues with Spanish/English versions of all articles are available. We are in the process of listing them all. Unfortunately, we have only reached 2003. But we have all issues up to the present. Contact us for current issues.

December 2001 - the inaugural issue.

February 2002 - honoring those who serve in uniform.

March 2002 - all about voting and the elections.

April 2002 - Rosario Marin, US Treasurer - highest ranking Latina in US government and honors those who work in the vineyards.

May 2002 - Cinco de Mayo, American Family on TV (Raquel Welch and Edward James Olmos)

June 2002 - Memorial Day, Sonoma-Marin Fair, First-Generation Graduates from Sonoma State University

July-August 2002 - New Citizens & Fourth of July, La Voz read in Baseball venues, Teen projects: Radio Canal, coming to America from Mexico

September 2002 - Artist Segueiros, Charles M. Schulz Museum opening, Labor Day Special, original photographs from Sunset Labor Camp where Steinbeck wrote Grapes of Wrath.

November 2002 - Interview with Candido Morales, Director of new Institute for Mexicans Abroad under Vicente Fox; Interview with California Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante; Voting information; Day of the Dead; the new ethnic media services; short story and poetry.

December 2002 - First Anniversary issue, Christmas in Mexico, Arte Latino, Oakland Museum and Charles M. Schulz Museum exhibits. Marta Gutierrez saves a life!

January 2003 - Mexican Revolution: The story of Pancho Villa and his "Soldaderas," women soldiers. Original photos of the early 1900's and posters for sale. Education issues: School to Career. Expanded health section.

February 2003 - Gang Violence: An alternative; Richard Polanco: The Godfather; Fund education not prisons; Animal of the Month: the Whooping Crane; Multicultural Tae Kwon Do; Charles M. Schulz Museum.

March 2003 - Cesar Chavez, The Organizer, part I by Francisco Vasquez, PhD and Rodolfo D. Torres; Growing Up in Gangs: Two Stories; Grape Pruning Championships; Women of Color Humanitarian Awards; Women's History Month; Help understanding your Taxes; Animal of the Month: the Monarch Butterfly; Essay: Our Children's Future Depends Upon Us.

April 2003 - Hate Free Communities; Domestic Violence: how to get help; Cesar Chavez: The Organizer, part II; Girl Scouts; Animal of the Month: the Squirrel; Double Punches Boxing Club; Labor:Blue Collar Crime; La Voz editor chosen "Woman of the Year" for the California State 7th Assembly District.

May 2003 - Interview with Candido Morales; teenagers train assistance dogs; Cesar Chavez: The Organizer, part III; MANA of Sonoma County: Las Hermanitas; Animal of the Month: the Bichon Frise; Affordable Housing.

June 2003 - The art and music of the Bullfight; Latino leadership golf benefit; Sonoma-Marin Fair; Resources for Parents; Animal of the Month: the Sloth.

July 2003 - Managing your Money: Savings, part 1; Casino? Yes or No; US Treasurer Rosario Marin; Danger! Drownings at the River; Isabel Allende.

August 2003 - Managing your Money: Savings, part 2; Latinos and the Davis Recall; Families First: Home Visits; Women in Business 2003; Danger: Raw Oysters; Animal of the Month: Cuban Brown Anole.

September 2003 - Managing your Money: Budgeting, part 1. The California Recall Election; Labor Day; Animal of the Month: the Honeybee; high school essay contest winners.

October/November 2003 - Managing your Money: Budgeting, part 2. Driver's licences for immigrants; Day of the Dead; Mexican Independance Day; the story of Halloween; Animal of the Month:the Sea Turtle; Santa Rosa City Schools Career Pathways information.

December 2003 - Managing your Money: Credit, part 1; Gov Schwarzenegger's inaugural address; the first Thanksgiving; the feast of the virgin of Guadalupe; Animal of the Month: the Raven; On the Road with Double Punches Boxing Club; Santa Rosa Jr. College: Puente Project.

This is just a sample of the articles in legacy issues of La Voz. You can find descriptions of issues that you can read online by clicking Read current issues of La Voz! We are now in our 18th year and still going strong. We will be putting more info on the website soon.