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Did you know that La Voz has posted 17,324 photos since March 2010 and received 1,244,737 VIEWS? You or a family member might appear here! See community events, celebrations, people! Scroll down to see more.

Photo Gallery

Visite para ver LA FOTO GALERIA DE LA VOZ completa. La Voz ha publicado 17,324 fotos desde marzo de 2010 y han sido vistas por 1,244,737 personas. ¡Eso es más de un millón! ¡Usted o un miembro de su familia podrían aparecer ahí! ¡Se incluyen eventos comunitarios, celebraciones y gente!

New photos ALWAYS coming soon! Check out the Photo Gallery online. They are all there! New ones posted online!

CLICK HERE to see the complete list of photos for 2018 and 2019. Some highlights below!

Michaele MoralesMichaele Morales in her Biella School office. April 12, 2019. Photos by Jeff Kan Lee. Person of the Month. Michaele Morales, una Empleada en Educación y una Activista / a School Employee and an Activist. Michaele Morales, quite often uses the word “empowering” in her vocabulary, for she dedicates much of her time in assisting the community to become self-sufficient through education, family support and being an active participant in associations that meet her goals. Yolanda Martinez' story begins on p. 1.

Ariana AparicioAriana Aparicio, Person of the Month, May, 2018, was recently accepted to the Master of Education program in Higher Education at Harvard University. She is the first person in her family to graduate from high school and obtain a college degree. “I want to make my Latino community proud by showing them that someone with my background can make it and be admitted to an institution like Harvard. That is why I want to share my story because it was with the help and support of my local community that I was able to get this far.” Click here for more photos by Jeff Kan Lee.

CLICK HERE to see the complete list of photos for 2015, 2016 and 2017. Some highlights below!

KBBF Pupusa Fundraiser, Maria Cañas2015:
Celebramos la independencia de México y Centro-América.
Community members came to the KBBF fiesta September 19, with live music, great food (carnitas and pupusas), drinks, and a chance to thump on Trump.And the best part, to support KBBF 89.1 FM, La Voz de tu Comunidad! Photo: Maria Cañas serving pupusas to the crowd.  Click here to see Jeff Kan Lee's photos of this special event.

Roseland Day of Caring2016: Day of Caring. Community building on Moorland Avenue in Roseland. Vince Harper, may he rest in peace, and other volunteers use stencils to paint a mural on two fences. Wednesday, September 14, 2016. Click here for photos by Jeff Kan Lee

Dr. Mariana G. Martinez2017: Dra. Mariana G. Martinez in her Sonoma State University office. Mariana is the "Person of the Month" in the October 2017 issue of La Voz. Click here to read more about Dra. Mariana. Click here for more photos by Jeff Kan Lee

CLICK HERE see the list of photos for 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010. Some highlights below!

2014: Herman G. Hernandez Click here for photos. He’s 28 years old. He’s the first Latino and youngest person to be elected as a trustee on the Sonoma County Board of Education. He will be sworn in on December 4th. Then he will rush back to Guerneville to deliver a speech for the tree lighting to open his hometown’s three day Holiday Extravaganza. His name is Herman Gabriel Hernandez. Click here to read the article in the December 2014 issue of La Voz, "A native Son of Sonoma County" by Craig Davis.
Aurelio Hurtado

2013: Aurelio Hurtado’s life has been a long march for farmworker’s rights and for those that are underrepresented and consequently disadvantaged. He marched alongside Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta and campaigned for Bobby Kennedy. He joined the Native Americans and African-Americans in a quest for justice and helped found the California Human Development Corporation (CHD), a beacon of hope for the poorest of the poor; the immigrant artists of this beautiful landscape we call the North Bay. After 45 years of working for farmworker’s rights through CHD, Aurelio Hurtado retired this past June, leaving a legacy of service that empowers and inspires. We sat down with him to get a glimpse of the man behind the legend.
Click here
to see more photos and to read the article on Aurelio Hurtado.

Native American Dancer2012: Immigration Reform March and Rally in Santa Rosa. Click here to see photos by Mathew Canniff.
May 1st isn’t just May Day. It’s also International Worker’s Day and an opportunity to march through the streets of American cities and be heard. This year’s march through downtown Santa Rosa included Occupy protesters as well as labor and immigrant rights activists. Many protesters complained of income inequality, illegal deportations and license laws.

Classic Cars going to Pebble Beach

2011: These classic cars were on their way to the world famous car show; the Pebble Beach Concours d' Élegance. Click here to see photos by Ani Weaver

Flaco Jimenez at the Cotati Accordion Festival

Cotati Accordion Festival
Mask at Accordion Festival

Click to see absolutely gorgeous photos of The Cotati Accordion Festival, 2010.
Photos by Analee (Ani) Weaver.

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La Voz Bilingual Newspaper
PO Box 3688, Santa Rosa CA 95402

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La Voz Bilingual e-mag archive! Read La Voz online! 154 issues available! Practice your language skills in English and Spanish.
Read online like a magazine! Takes a minute to load. Zoom in to read. Or choose a PDF, best viewed in the two-page spread mode.

Current issue

Beautiful Photos by Jeff Kan Lee. Click here for more of Jeff's photos.

"La Voz is a true community/public service. I love how colorful it is. And that it is serious and humorous. I appreciate how the content ranges from art and culture to portraits and news, hyperlocal and beyond." —Marisol Muñoz-Kiehne

"La Voz es un verdadero servicio comunitario / público. Me encanta lo colorido que es. Y que es tanto serio como divertido. Aprecio cómo el contenido va desde el arte y la cultura hasta información sobre personajes notables y noticias, hiperlocal y mucho más allá
—Marisol Muñoz-Kiehne

*Arts and Crafts /Arte y artesanía / Creat a Cosmic Waterfall quilt or jacket applique /Quilt your Closet/Search for Used Fabric
stores around the world! Reuse Recycle Repurpose!

Click here to view the La Voz story on YouTube! Listen! It's worthwhile! Beautiful photos by Jeff Kan Lee! Check out La Voz Photo Gallery!

Please scroll down for events by date. For up-to-date information about community news and photos, join the Facebook group La Voz Bilingual Newspaper Fans, or click here for the
La Voz Bilingual Newspaper
Facebook page, information in English y en español.

Equal Housing Opportunity: Fair housing is the law! If you have children and a landlord refuses to rent to you, requires a higher security deposit, limits the use of facilities or says you can only live in certain areas of a housing complex, that could be discrimination. CALL FAIR HOUSING ADVOCATES of Northern California (415) 457-5025 TDD: (800) 735-2922. Podemos atenderte en español. The only way to stop discrimination is to report it, if you suspect unfair housing, visit or the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development 

Igualdad de oportunidades para la vivienda: ¡El acceso justo a la vivienda es la ley! Si tienes hijos y el propietario se niega a alquilarte, te exige una renta más alta, te limita el uso de las instalaciones o te dice que sólo puedes vivir en determinadas zonas de un complejo residencial, eso podría ser discriminación. LLAMA A FAIR HOUSING ADVOCATES of Northern California (415) 457-5025 TDD: (800) 735-2922. La única forma de acabar con la discriminación es denunciándola, si sospechas de prácticas injustas, visita o también U.S Department of Housing y Urban Development

Sonoma County opens free Residential Curbside Chipper Program reduce wildfire risk. The Chipper Program, administered by the Permit Sonoma Fire Prevention Division, is designed to help residents create defensible space around their homes and reduce vegetation along important access routes. Once approved, properties in unincorporated Sonoma County are eligible to receive up to two hours of complimentary chipping and are eligible to receive a second visit as well. Visits are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. To learn more about this and other Fire Prevention programs,

El condado de Sonoma pone en marcha un programa gratuito de astilladoras residenciales para reducir el riesgo de incendios forestales. El Programa Chipper, administrado por la División de Prevención de Incendios del Permiso de Sonoma, está diseñado para ayudar a los residentes a crear espacios defendibles alrededor de sus casas y reducir la vegetación a lo largo de importantes rutas de acceso. Una vez aprobado, las propiedades en el condado de Sonoma no incorporados son elegibles para recibir hasta dos horas de astillado de cortesía y son elegibles para recibir una segunda visita también. Las visitas se programan por orden de llegada. Para obtener más información sobre este y otros programas de prevención de incendios, visite la página web del Programa de astillado en la acera.

MARIN COUNTY HELPFUL SERVICES FOR OLDER LATINOS. Who: Latinos 60 and older who are isolated or facing challenges accessing free services & resources.  Get expert assistance applying for Medi-Cal, CalFresh, In-Home Services, cash assistance for immigrants, meals, and referrals to other support services. Medi-Cal: Health insurance – need for IHSS. CalFresh: Supplemental funds for food. Home Services: Assistance with applying for In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) for chores and personal care. CAPI: Monthly cash assistance for immigrants. Meals:Home delivered meals & meals at community centers. Phone Calls & More: Assistance scheduling, attending, and following-up with medical appts. Reassurance phone calls and in-home friendly visits. Help navigating community resources. Connect with Christy Lopez for Assistance: (628) 587-2679 or (415) 473-2896, [email protected].

CONDADO DE MARIN SERVICIOS DE AYUDA PARA LATINOS MAYORES. A quién servimos: Latinos de 60 años o más que están aislados o enfrentan dificultades para acceso a servicios y recursos gratuitos. Obtenga ayuda experta para solicitar Medi-Cal, CalFresh, Servicios de Apoyo en el Hogar, asistencia enefectivo para inmigrantes, comidas y referencias a otros servicios de apoyo. Medi-Cal: Seguro médico -necesidad de IHSS. CalFresh: Fondos suplementarios para los alimentos. Servicios a Casa: Ayuda para solicitar Servicios de Apoyo en el Hogar(IHSS) para trabajo del hogar y cuidado personal. CAPI: Ayuda mensual en dinero efectivo para inmigrantes. Comidas: Comidas a domicilio y comidas en centros. comunitarios. Llamadas y Más: Ayuda con la programación, asistencia y seguimiento de citas médicas.
Llamadas telefónicas de apoyo y visitas amistosas a domicilio. Ayuda para navegar por los recursos de la comunidad. Póngase en Contacto con Christy Lopez para Obtener Asistencia: (628) 587-2679 o (415) 473-2896, [email protected]

Politics section of the La Voz Summer 2023 issue pages, 10-11! Click here for e-mag Trump Indictment! DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD! Click here to view or download a PDF for online viewing. PDF is best viewed in the two-page spread mode. Painting by Diego Marcial Rios.

Current issue

Check out the preview of the Summer Issue!
Donald J. Trump vs. The United States of America.

Sonoma County Juvenile Justice Commission:
Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity to improve the lives of Sonoma County youth? Consider submitting an application to the Juvenile Justice Commission. Visit our website at for more information about the commission and to submit an application.
¿Está buscando una oportunidad de voluntariado para mejorar la vida de los jóvenes del condado de Sonoma? Considere presentar una aplicación a la Comisión de Justicia Juvenil. Visite nuestro sitio web en para obtener más información sobre la comisión y enviar una aplicación.

Department of Child Support Services announces new programs to support local families. The agency unveiled new resources this week to meet the diverse needs of local families, including programs to help parents simplify child support payments, reduce child support debts, and regain driver’s licenses that have been suspended for failure to pay child support. For more information about Sonoma County Child Support Services, visit or call (866) 901-3212

For WILDFIRE SAFETY information during an emergency,

*Give blood with The Red Cross. It’s important for donors − especially type O blood donors  − to give now to ensure hospitals have the blood they need. In thanks for helping, the Red Cross is offering several incentives to donors who come out to give blood or platelets in the coming weeks.
Schedule an appointment by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Court Appointed Special Advocates or CASAs, everyday citizens in our community who help children and youth in foster care to navigate trauma or neglect experienced and ensure that their future is more hopeful than their past. They encourage the judge and caregiving team to view the child as an individual, and they advocate for the best placement, connection to extended family, celebration of the child's heritage, and support steps towards permanency, including adoption if appropriate.
Research shows that children in foster care who have a CASA: Have better educational outcome; Are more likely to be enrolled in school; Get more educational, therapeutic and medical services; Are more likely to be re-united with their families; Are administered fewer Psychotropic medications; Spend less time in foster care.
Every day, CASAs are speaking for the best interests of children and youth in foster care, including Native American children. Become a CASA today. Sign up for an Informational Session (Orientation)

BILINGUAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT THE JEWISH FREE CLINIC! The Free Clinic in Santa Rosa provides completely free care to the underserved here in Sonoma County. We are currently seeking Spanish translators and front desk volunteers to serve patients at our weekly health clinics. More information on volunteering, including our application, click here. 

Organ Donor Support Needed! saves lives… linking organ donors with people in need of kidney and other transplants. In the U.S. 22 people die each day waiting for an organ transplant …most waiting for kidneys. Considered becoming a living organ donor? Or if you're someone in need of an organ transplant visit Home of the greatest gift of all…. The gift of life. And now you don't need to donate a kidney to save a life. Donate and get a tax deduction while helping to save lives. Visit or call 800-385-0422.

FENTANYL KILLS! GAME OVER! Many street pills claim to be Oxy, Adderall or Xanax. But they’re really counterfeits designed to look just like the real thing. What’s worse, half of those pills contain a deadly dose of fentanyl, a drug 100x stronger than morphine and 50x more potent than heroine. Tell your kids about the risks of fentanyl. If a pill isn’t prescribed to them, it’s not safe for them. Fentanyl kills. More info at

Lila Downs
Lila Downs: Mexican American singer and
activist Lila Downs is adored by her many fans for staying true to her roots even while she is always moving forward. Through a long career that has
earned her multiple Grammy and Latin Grammy Awards, she now ranks as one of the most
recognizable singers in Latin alternative music. for interview in Spanish with Lila Downs by Ramon Meraz, La Voz Features Editor! Click here
for text of the interview in English and Spanish.

DIFERENTES ORÍGENES NACIONALES — LOS MISMOS DERECHOS DE VIVIENDA [English below.] Es ilegal que los propietarios o los agentes inmobiliarios te nieguen la vivienda por motivos de origen étnico. La Ley de Igualdad de Vivienda prohíbe la discriminación por motivos de origen nacional. Si crees que han infringido tus derechos, haz una denuncia.
Comunícate con: Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California (415) 457-5025 / TDD: (800) 735-2922 / Se habla español. Accesible a sillas de ruedas. Servicios en los condados de Marin, y Sonoma, y en las ciudades de Fairfield y Vallejo en Solano.
Nota: Este material se basa en trabajo apoyado por el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD) bajo el contrato FPEI190035. Las opiniones, hallazgos, conclusiones o recomendaciones expresadas en este material son de los autores y no reflejan necesariamente los puntos de vista de HUD.

DIFFERENT NATIONAL ORIGINS — SAME FAIR HOUSING RIGHTS It is illegal for landlords and real estate agents to deny you housing opportunities because of your ethnicity. The Fair Housing Act prohibits housing discrimination based on national origin. If you believe you may be a victim of housing discrimination, contact Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California: (415) 457-5025 / TDD: (800) 735-2922 / Se habla español. Wheelchair accessible. Serving Marin, Sonoma and some areas of Solano County.
Note: This material is based on work supported by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under FHIP PEI Grant # FPEI190035. Any opinion, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author (s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of HUD.

Clipper Google

Santa Rosa CityBus, Petaluma Transit and Sonoma County Transit passengers can now use the Clipper mobile app, recently launched by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), to plan a trip, track the real-time arrival of public transit, and pay for the trip upon boarding with a swipe of their smartphone. By linking a Clipper Mobile account to a Google Pay or Apple Pay account smartphone users who ride any of the 24 participating Bay Area transit systems have a contactless means to pay fares on buses, trains, and ferries. Click for more info

Español Abajo.
YOUR JOURNEY TO BECOME TOBACCO FREE — MAKE IT A RESOLUTION Here’s how: Go to Kick It California’s mobile- friendly website or call 1-800-300-8086 (English) or 1-800-600-8191 (Spanish) to find out how to get a personal quit coach and make a plan customized to your circumstances to quit for good. Kick It California’s services and programs are free, in English and Spanish, accessible for all.

HAZ QUE HOY SEA EL "PRIMER DÍA" EN CAMINO A LIBRARTE DEL TABACO: QUE SEA UN PROPOSITO DE AÑO NUEVO. Esta es la manera de hacerlo: Visita el sitio web de Kick It California, también disponible para dispositivos móviles,, o llama al 1-800-300-8086 (inglés) o al 1-800-600-8191 (español) para saber cómo encontrar un guía personal para dejar de fumar y hacer un plan adaptado a tus circunstancias para dejar el tabaco definitivamente. Los servicios y programas de Kick It California son gratuitos, en inglés y español, y accesibles para todos.

American Red Cross: BLOOD EMERGENCY. Donors are strongly urged to give now to help ensure lifesaving blood products are available for patients. Your donation is needed now to prevent delays in patient care. Help overcome the severe blood shortage! Visit for more information and to make an appointment.

Please continue to visit to find out if you will be impacted by weather events. For the latest status in your area, enter an address.úe visitando para averiguar si se verá afectado por eventos climáticos. Para conocer el estado más reciente en su área, ingrese una dirección.

Victim Services

Programa de Asistencia para Víctimas y Testigos. Celebramos nuestros servicios a todas las victimas. Si usted es victima de un delito, nosotros podemos ayudar. En caso de emergencia, por favor llame al 911. Para ayuda adicional, llame a la Fiscalía a del Condado de Marin, Programa de Asistencia para Víctimas y Testigos: 415-473-5080. Usted no necesita ser residente legal para reportar un crimen.

Victim Witness Program of Marin County. We celebrate service to all victims. If you are a victim of a crime we can help. For emergencies, please call 911. For further assistance, call the Victim Witness Division at the Marin County District Attorney's Office: 415-473-5080. You don't have to be a legal resident to report a crime.

For information:

Todos Pueden Dejar de Fumar. or for English.

No FumarReady to Quit? Call 800-662-8887 or click here to enroll in free telephone counseling.


Todos Pueden Dejar de Fumar. Nosotros Podemos Ayudar. ¡haga clic aquí para leer más! Everyone Can Quit Smoking. We Can Help. Click here to read more!

Sonoma County Regional Parks have many great activities. For more information, click here. Mucha más diversión en (707) 565-2041 Sonoma County Regional Parks are offering dozens of free or low-cost activities countywide. All activity and event details are on the activities calendar at as well as an activities guide available for download in English and Spanish

Mower for SaleSOLD! ADVERTISE WITH LA VOZ! MOWER FOR SALE: 48" Husqvarna Zero Turn Commercial mower, 2006 iZ4821, model 968999256, in good condition with only 174 hours of use. Starts and runs well. $2,000 or reasonable offer.

Community Veterinary Clinic for low-income pet owners. See La Voz page 3.

HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program). Visit our website for more information

Violence hurts us all! Help is available for crime victims and witnesses to a crime… murder of a loved one; sexual assault; hate crime; domestic violence; disclosure of a molestation; elder abuse. Sexual Assault and Elder Abuse can happen to anyone! What is sexual assault? It can include rape or attempted rape; nonconsensual sexual contact; unwanted sexual fondling or touching; forced sexual acts; sexual contact with a child or minor. For help with sexual assault or elder abuse which can be psychological, financial, physical, social or neglect, call the Victim Witness Division at the Marin County District Attorney’s Office at 415-473-5080. Spanish or English.

Le puede pasar a cualquiera. ¿Qué es acoso sexual? Puede ser: Intento de violación; contacto sexual sin consentimiento; caricias sexuales indeseadas; actos sexuales forzados; contacto sexual con menores. Fiscalía del Condado de Marin Programa de Asistencia para Victimas y Testigos. 415-473-5080.

Narcoticos Anonimos en ESPAÑOL Puede ayudar REUNIONES SON GRATIS,, Linea de ayuda 855-667-2262.

UC Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County FREE Workshop Series. Click here for information. Get sustainable home gardening advice.

Important opinion piece in La Voz June 2017, Visit to Auschwitz: The Time is Now! Reflections on immigration in the Trump era. Click here for e-mag, a new format you can read in your browser just like a magazine! Zoom in to read. Click here to view or download a PDF. Click here to see photo essay by Jay Peretz on Auschwitz.

Read La Voz current issue

Protecting You from THE BITEClick here for 8-page publication: Protecting You from THE BITE, Mosquitos, Ticks and the Zika Viru by the Marin /Sonoma Vector and Insect Control District

Elder AbuseClick here for 4-page pamphlet in Spanish: "En el condado de Sonoma, prevenir el abuso a las personas de la tercera edad signifi ca el Cuidarse a sí mismo, Cuidar a la familia y Cuidar a la comunidad." Click here for English, Preventing Elder Abuse means Caring for Self, Caring for Family, and Caring for Community

Click here for English: Beneficial insects in your garden; Haga clic aquí para leer Insectos Benéficos (espanol)

Elder Financial Abuse: Are You Protected?Elder Financial Abuse: Are You Protected? Ttips for staying safe, how to protect loved ones and resources for seniors and caregivers. Click here for English| Abuso financiero a personas de la tercera edad: ¿Usted está protegido? Haga clic aquí para Español.

Supporting Undocumented YouthClick here for "Supporting Undocumented Youth"resource guide from US Dept.of Education. how educators, schools, and campuses can better support secondary and postsecondary undocumented students. Get:
• information on DACA (the federal government’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program)
• a list of scholarships available to students regardless of their immigration status
• a list of federally funded adult education programs and • best practices for schools to follow

Revisiones anuales gratuitas de seguridad del gas. PG&E mantiene a los clientes seguros. Con el invierno a la vuelta de la esquina, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) está recordando a los clientes que programen una inspección de seguridad gratuita en el hogar para la revisión de sus aparatos de gas. Durante la visita, PG&E también encenderá nuevamente las llamas o luces de los pilotos.

Free Annual Gas Safety Checks. PG&E keeps customers safe and warm With winter right around the corner, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is reminding customers to schedule a free in-home safety inspection of their gas appliances. During the visit, PG&E also will relight pilot lights. Click here for more information.

PGE compartió el progreso. El Programa de Seguridad contra Incendios Forestales para la Comunidad de PG&E Marca Hitos Clave tanto en la Optimización de la Seguridad como en la Reducción de la Progresiva Amenaza de Incendios Forestales. Haga clic aquí para leer más.

More Than 100,000 PG&E Customers Update Contact Information, Sign up for Emergency Alerts, Prepare for Wildfires and Extreme Weather. Click here for English. Más de 100,000 clientes de PG&E actualizan la información de contacto, se inscriben para recibir alertas de emergencia y se preparan, tanto para los incendios forestales como condiciones climáticas extremas. Haga clic aquí para leer más.

PG&E has yearly savings programs! Click here for English. Haga clic aquí para leer más en expañol.
PG&E Partners with Valley CAN and IBEW to Connect Underserved Communities with Electric Vehicles. Click here for English. Haga clic aquí para leer más en expañol.
Click here
for "PG&E Insta a los Clientes a Programar Revision de Aplicaciones y Controles de Monoxido de Carbono Gratuita". Click here for "Contacting 811 before rebuilding in wildfire-impacted areas."
Haga clic aquí
para leer más en expañol. Los clientes de PG&E pueden ahorrar energía y dinero incluso en invierno / Save Money and Energy this Winter. Click here to read in English.
El Nuevo Plan de Tarifas según la Hora de Consumo Haga clic aquí para leer más en expañol. New Time-of-Use Rate Plan Supports Cleaner, Reliable Grid and Enhance Choice and Control. Click here to read in English.

Happy Birthday La Voz! Beginning our 18th year in print! Click here to read Craig Davis' history of La Voz— since 2001!

Tata's gift The video Tata’s Gift was produced by Los Cenzontles, inspiring and creative.

If you are on Facebook, click here to see a video of Mariachi Sol de México singing "Bésame Mucho."

Volunteer! Opportunities

Ready to change some lives? Redwood Empire Food Bank Volunteers are critical to ending hunger in our community. An hour or two of your time is all it takes. Volunteer today at

Can you help isolated, low-income seniors in the town of Sonoma who need your support? Many are home bound and depend upon the kindness of strangers to keep them living independently. Get involved with this "invisible population." The Council on Aging nutrition program is looking for volunteer drivers to deliver meals. Hours approx. 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. days are Monday through Friday, choose a day or two!. Pick-up point at Vintage House, 264 First Street E., Sonoma. Use your own vehicle but you can be reimbursed for route mileage. Participants: good physical health and able to lift a minimum of 25 pounds. Info and to register, please contact Michele Leonard at 707 525-0143 x 147.

Make a Difference in the Life of a Cancer Patient! Each day thousands of cancer patients are faced with trying to find transportation to their life saving treatments, some are probably in your community. The American Cancer Society is committed to helping improve the quality of life for cancer patients and their families; one way we do that is by providing rides to treatment with trained American Cancer Society volunteers. If you would like to make a difference in the life of a cancer patient, consider becoming an American Cancer Society volunteer driver. For more information on how to help get a patient on the road to recovery, please call 1-800-227-2345.

Sonoma County Food Runners is created to rescue nutritious, edible, prepared food to help feed the hungry. If you would like to know more, have questions, have suggestions, would like to receive free food, like to know how the food is distributed, attend the Sonoma County Food Runners introduction. Wednesday, December 3, 2014 @ 2PM - 4PM @ The Volunteer Center of Sonoma County, 153 Stony Circle, Suite 100, Santa Rosa. To learn more about Food Runners visit: or Jaime Smedes, 707-573-3399 x115, jsmedes@

Click here to join the La Voz Bilingual Newspaper Fans group on Facebook.

CLICK on the titles below to read features in English and Spanish from recent issues.

Herman Hernandez, Person of the Month from the November, 2013 issue. Read more...

Richard Ortiz, el Personaje del Mes, PARTE 1. Haga clic aquí. Richard Ortiz, Person of the Month, Read more... 2. SECOND PART

The Four Cornerstones of Business Success / Mary Luttrell, ISO-Certified Management Consultant / Consultora de Administración Certificada por ISO
First Cornerstone: Purpose / La primera base: El Propósito
Second Cornerstone: Strategies / El Segundo Fundamento: Las Estrategias Third Cornerstone: Skills / La tercera Base: Las Habilidades

Leadership: “Whether You Want To or Not” / Liderazgo:“Si usted quiere o no quiere” Mary Luttrell, ISO-Certified Management Consultant / Consultora de Administración Certificada por ISO

COPE: Preparación para desastres en su vecindario / COPE: disaster preparedness in your neighborhood

• Aurelio Hurtado Retires
• Immigration: Sponsoring a relative, pt 3
• Lorena Ochoa
• Health: Project True Anti-tobacco
• First 5: Reading for fun!
• Red Cross Tips to stay safe in the heat
• Sex Trafficking: It's Everyone's Problem

• Sebastopol Steinway and the Piano Man
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History 2010-2016

• SF Exploratorium Opening

Panama Pacific International Exhibition MH de Young SFJewel City: Art from San Francisco’s Panama Pacific International Exhibition, October 17, 2015 – January 10, 2016, de Young Museum. Celebrating the centennial of the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition (PPIE) in San Francisco, this exhibition revisits a vital moment in the inauguration of the city as a cultural center on the West Coast. The PPIE was a world’s fair hosted by San Francisco to commemorate the opening of the Panama Canal and promoted the city’s recovery following the 1906 earthquake. At its heart was one of the most ambitious art exhibitions ever presented in the US—a comprehensive survey of American painting, sculpture and printmaking as well as European works drawn from international public and private collections. Click here to see close-up photos of the exhibit from the press preview by Ani Weaver.

CJM-NEATThis is an exhibit that will be fun for the whole family. Hands on! Make the images move! The CJM: Contemporary Jewish Museumpresents the work of nine Bay Area digital artists in NEAT: New Experiments in Art and Technology, an original exhibition that looks at the rapidly evolving relationship between artists and technology almost 50 years since the seminal 1960s Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.) set out to break down barriers between artists and scientists and expand the artist’s role in Click here to see photos from the press preview and VIDEOS of the kinetic art by Ani Weaver

• Richard Diebenkorn paintings at de Young
• Rose Mandel photos at SF de Young

Botticelli to BraqueBotticelli to Braque: Masterpieces from the National Galleries of Scotland. From de Young Museum, San Francisco. Paintings include many of the major schools of art including — Italian, French and Dutch, in addition to Scottish. Many of these works have never been seen in the United States, including Sandro Botticelli’s Virgin Adoring the Sleeping Christ Child (ca. 1490), Renaissance masters Titian and Paolo Veronese; 17th century painters El Greco, Diego Velázquez, Sir Anthony van Dyck, Frans Hals, Jan Lievens, Rembrandt van Rijn and Johannes Vermeer; 19th century figures as Camille Pissarro, Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, John Singer Sargent, Paul Gauguin and Paul Cézanne. Also features celebrated Scottish painters Allan Ramsay and Sir Henry Raeburn. Click here to see vignettes of paintings from Press Preview. See hi-res full images here.

SF Legion of HonorHigh Style:
The Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection

From July 19, 2015
Legion of Honor, San Francisco. a landmark exhibition of 20th century masterworks from the Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Tracing the evolution of fashion from 1910 to 1980, High Style will reveal the breadth of this world-class collection, with seminal pieces by some of the most important American and European fashion designers from the period. “The Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection is a national treasure whose riches range from iconic rarities of haute couture to inventive sportswear by the first American women designers.” High resolution press images from the exhibition can be found here | Click here to see vignettes of fadhions from Press Preview.

Modernism at the de Young SFModernism from the National Gallery of Art: The Robert & Jane Meyerhoff Collection
Modernism from the National Gallery of Art: The Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection brings paintings by the great masters of the post-war world to San Francisco. The de Young will feature nearly 50 works by Ellsworth Kelly, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, and Frank Stella, among others. The de Young is the exclusive venue for this exhibition, the first of the Meyerhoff Collection outside the greater Washington, DC, and Baltimore metro areas. Click here to see vignettes from the exhibit, photos by Ani Weaver. Click here to see photos from press previews of previous exhibits in the SF Art Museum scene.

Public Intimacy SFMOMA at YBCA Public Intimacy SFMOMA at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco. Click here to see photos of the exhibit from press preview by Ani Weaver

MatisseMatisse from SFMOMA at the SF Legion of Honor museum. Off-site programming curently offered by MOMA to other museums. See photos.


Szyk HaggadahArthur Szyk and the Art of the Haggadah from the Contemporary Jewish Museum. Click here to see some of the works in the exhibit.


Georgia O'KeefeModern Nature: Georgia O’Keefe and Lake George. De Young Museum San Francisco, through May 11, 2014

These photos were taken at the Press Preview at the de Young in SF to give readers a close up view of Georgia O'Keefe's work and style, something you don't get to see very often. See exhibition photos, vignettes by Ani Weaver

Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Legion of Honor Exhibit: Impressionists on the Water, June 1 through October 13, 2013

Impressionists on the Water

The Legion of Honor's big summer show, highlights the Impressionists’ and Post-Impressionists’ love affair with the rivers and seashore of France, and with the fashionable new pursuit of yachting. It features paintings, works on paper – and 19th century boat models. We explore the sparkling world of leisure and yacht racing at Argenteuil, outside Paris, and discover how artists like Monet, Renoir, Caillbotte and Toulouse-Lautrec responded in radical ways to themes of water and sailing in their work. You will have to go to the museum to see the paintings in their entirety, this is just a taste. The people shown are leading the press preview which La Voz attended. Please comment on the photos, people in the photos and your impression of our impression of the Impressionists...
Click here to read: Impressionists on the Water, article by the Legion of Honor Museum on the exhibit and more photos of the paintings.Click here to see these photos by Ani Weaver, vignettes and close ups

The Errand of the Eye: Photographs by Rose Mandel at the de Young Museum
June 22–October 13, 2013

Rose Mandel

Click here to see more photos of by Rose Mandel. The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco are pleased to announce The Errand of the Eye: Photographs by Rose Mandel, the first full assessment of this dynamic artist. From the late 1940s through the early 1970s, RoseMandel produced an original and poignant body of photographs, working closely with and among many of the Bay Area’s best-known artists including Richard Diebenkorn, Elmer Bischoff, Ansel Adams, and Minor White. Though lauded by her contemporaries and featured in significant exhibitions and publications during her lifetime, her work remains little known. Click here to read more about Rose Mandel and the exhibit.

Richard Diebenkorn: The Berkeley Years, 1953–1966 at the de Young Museum
June 22 – September 29, 2013

Diebenkorn Exhibit

Richard Diebenkorn: The Berkeley Years, 1953–1966, will be the first exhibition to explore in-depth the work produced by Diebenkorn between 1953 and 1966, when he lived in Berkeley, California. The presentation will include over 130 of the artist’s paintings and drawings assembled from collections across the country, many of them rarely or never before seen in public exhibitions. Diebenkorn’s engagement with the unique settings of the Bay Area, along with his personal history, ties this exhibition deeply to the region. Click here to read more about the exhibit. Click here to see more photos from the exhibit on our gallery.

A 15th-century stone sculpture created in Mexico of the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl from the exhibit; Objects of Belief from the Vatican: Art of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas at the de Young Museum. February 9–September 8, 2013
Click here
to see a preview of the exhibit in the
La Voz Photo Gallery. Or visit

Objects of Belief from the vast holdings of the Vatican Ethnological Museum, the de Young displayed 39 rarely seen works from Africa, Oceania, and Americas reflecting indigenous religious cultures.
Click here
to see photos from the exhibit.

Rudolph NureyevRudolph Nureyev: A Life in Dance
Click here
to see photos from the exhibit.

Girl with a Pearl Earring: Dutch Paintings
from the Mauritshuis - at the De Young Museum in San Francisco. Exhibit runs from January 26 - June 2, 2013
. Click here to see a preview of the exhibit in the La Voz Photo Gallery. Or go to for more information.

Girl with a Pearl EarringJohannes Vermeer's enigmatic Girl with a Pearl Earring has intrigued art lovers for centuries. See this masterpiece and more than 30 others by artists of the Dutch Golden Age including Rembrandt, Hals, and Steen;from the collection of the Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis in this exclusive West Coast presentation at San Francisco's de Young Museum.

Danny Lyon Photographer
Click here to see selections from "This World is Not My Home: Photographs by Danny Lyon" which was at at the De Young Museum through January 27, 2013. La Voz saw this exhibit and thought it was valuable enough to feature on our website. La Voz encourages it's readers to Google Danny Lyon and read about his amazing ability to capture live with his camera.

William S. Paley CollectionClick here to see selections from The William S. Paley Collection: A Taste for Modernism, last year at the deYoung Museum in SF.El Museo de Arte Moderno de San Francisco (SFMOMA) Cindy Sherman, Photographer and “Stage Presence”

Cindy ShermanCindy Sherman, Untitled #465, 2008; chromogenic
color print; 63 3/4” x 57 1/4" courtesy the artist and Metro Pictures, New York; © 2012 Cindy Sherman. Uno de los Retratos de la Sociedad* de Shermans/ One of Sherman’s Society Portraits Click here for fabulous Cindy Sherman images. La Voz attended her show and we were really impressed with her photographs and talent! Click here for a downloadable PDF which is a transcript of the audioscript for the SFMOMA show. Read about what the curators have to say about the photographs.

Cindy Sherman, con una retrospectiva viajera de una de las artistas contemporáneas más importantes y posiblemente una de las que han tenido mayor influencia trabajando exclusivamente con la fotografía. Durante 30 años, Sherman se ha fotografiado asimisma bajo un amplio rango de apariencias y personajes que se convierten en fascinantes e inquietantes, desagradables y conmovedores.
Cindy Sherman, a traveling retrospective of one of the most significant contemporary artists and arguably the most influential one working exclusively with photography. For thirty years, Sherman has photographed herself in a range of guises and personas that are by turns amusing and disturbing, distasteful
and affecting.

Stage Presence SFMOMA
© James Coleman, Photograph (still), 1998–99; projected images with synchronized audio narration, 20 minutes.

The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) blurred the line between fine arts and performing arts with its exhibition Stage Presence: Theatricality in Art and Media, which ended in October, 2012. Organized by Curator of Media Arts Rudolf Frieling, the exhibition presents works in a variety of media and features a series of performances that explore the influence of theater, dance, and performance in contemporary art.
Stage Presence gathered three decades of works by 40 artists including some key works from the SFMOMA media arts collection, all of which embrace theatricality in contemporary art practice. Exuberant manifestations of the “stage” emerge, such as beauty pageants; a dance troupe in post-punk London; artists dressed as a bear and a rat walking through the Swiss Alps; and a family occupying in-store Ikea model rooms. Some of the works are humorous and camp, while others are critical and subversive.

Man Ray Lee Miller Exhibit FAMSF
Lee Miller by Man Ray Man Ray by Lee Miller
Click here to see larger images of Lee Miller's neck by Man Ray and Man Ray's portrait by Lee Miller

Previously exhibited at the Legion of Honor Museum in San Francisco.
Man Ray and Lee Miller lived together in Paris from
1929 to 1932, first as teacher and student, later as
lovers, and finally as collaborators. Man Ray, already an established member of the French avant-garde, was a leading figure of the Surrealist movement— the loose association of artists and writers who rose to prominence after the First World War by making provocative combinations out of ordinary things. Miller, who was just starting her career, sought out Man Ray as a mentor. Although their time together was short, the professional and personal inspiration they shared resulted in some of the most powerful work of each artist’s career.

Renaissance Masters

The De Young Museum in San Francisco hosted the Renaissance Painters of Passion and Power from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. Over fifty paintings by some of the most well-known Venetian painters from the sixteenth-century including Giorgione, Titian, Tintoretto, Andrea and Mantegna. These works are considered to be some of the most celebrated European art collections. The exhibit has closed but you can
click here to see close up photos and details
of the paintings
taken at the Press Preview
by Ani Weaver.






















